Two years and twelve black days of injustice Set Khaleda Zia Free


Wednesday, Feb 19, 2020, marks the two years and twelve black days of BNP Chairperson and former three times PM innocent Begum Khaleda Zia’s unjust solitary imprisonment at a hundred years old abandoned haunted jail house in a baseless case.

Thursday, February 8, 2018, the current autocratic regime without people’s mandate, kept Begum Khaleda Zia in confinement in a government dictated verdict. This reverend politician also didn’t get bail, medical and other facilities that even common people normally get.

This is an ill designed treatment by this brutal and the most corrupt government to bar Begum Khaleda Zia from participating in political activities.

People from all across the country and global arena, have been demanding to end this ongoing injustice to the nation’s uncompromising leader for democracy and development, the first woman prime minister and a senior politician, without further delay.

Free Khaleda Zia
Free Democracy, Free Bangladesh

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